Use "flotilla|flotillas" in a sentence

1. Two are available for each two week flotilla, and one for Villa-Flotilla.

2. An Argosy is a flotilla of ships

3. She was assigned to the 14 Destroyer Flotilla.

4. A flotilla of ducks bobbed near the shore.

5. The 6th Destroyer Flotilla had Asdic-equipped vessels in 1923.

6. Local taxes. On flotilla, shared use of windsurfer.

7. The "hostile" flotilla accomplished these tasks within three days.

8. Ursa was first allocated to the 25th Destroyer Flotilla.

9. Quorn then joined the 21 Destroyer Flotilla at Harwich.

10. In this role, the ship supported the III Submarine Flotilla.

11. The collective noun for the creatures, is a ‘flotilla’ of Bluebottles

12. The collective noun for the creatures, is a ‘flotilla’ of Bluebottles

13. Antelope then joined the 12th Destroyer Flotilla based at Greenock, Scotland.

14. The challenge now is to forge operational cohesion in a motley multinational flotilla.

15. The German Mediterranean submarine flotilla officially was formed on 18 th November 19

16. She was part of the 12th Minesweeping Flotilla, based at Harwich.

17. It works well; many crews book two weeks flotilla next year!

18. Late in 1940 the Flotilla was redesignated as the 9th Escort Group.

19. Then came the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident: Israelis completely bungled the operation.

20. On 15 December, she was transferred to the 15th Flotilla based at Plymouth.

21. They returned to the UK where Arrow returned to her flotilla duties.

22. By 05:35 AM, Abukuma had caught up to the rest of the flotilla.

23. The ship was then assigned to the 3rd Escort Flotilla based at Portland Harbour.

24. Gallant herself was transferred to the 14th Destroyer Flotilla at Malta on 10 November.

25. A new flotilla route in the Dodecanese Islands is offered for more experienced sailors.

26. On a flotilla holiday you may accidentally lose equipment or damage the yacht.

27. There's this big depot ship in the loch and it's got a flotilla of submarines ... Submarines.

28. Captain Watson this morning announced of a secret third ship in the Sea Shepherd flotilla.

29. It's also the only holiday totally geared to send fleets of novices out on flotilla!

30. A black flotilla of clouds rose towering over the mountains and advanced on the house.

31. Hsinbyushin had also organized a flotilla of war boats to meet the Chinese war boats.

32. On March 1803 , Napoleon decided to start building a flotilla of barges to invade Britain.

33. In May she transferred to the Second Destroyer Flotilla for service in the Mediterranean.

34. The supporters of the Gaza - bound aid flotilla had more than humanitarian intentions.

35. Shortly thereafter, the Russian cruiser Rurik, along with a destroyer, arrived to reinforce the Russian flotilla.

36. The speed of a flotilla is not determined by the fastest ship, but the slowest one.

37. Gone was the flotilla of rafts that had followed majestically in the wake of the cruiser.

38. In 1981, Shirane was incorporated as the flagship of Escort Flotilla One, based in Yokosuka.

39. After sixteen days the flotilla reached Thebes, whose population acclaimed the arrival of the princess.

40. Damage/Loss. On a flotilla holiday you may accidentally lose equipment or damage the yacht.

41. From 7 September through 1 October 1972 Westchester County operated in logistic support of Mine Flotilla 1.

42. On 1 May she took part in bombardments at Car Nicobar with the Flotilla in "Operation Bishop".

43. By 16:00, the German flotilla began returning to the Jade Estuary, arriving at approximately 20:23.

44. Apart from being married, he's got a nasty reputation where the Wrens in this flotilla are concerned.

45. The flotilla carried a landing force of 200 French sailors, 30 Spanish soldiers and one mountain mortar.

46. Villa-Flotilla is yachting for novices, for families seeking a compromise, or for friends who like variety.

47. Laforey and her flotilla were assigned to Bône as part of Force Q at the start of 1943.

48. Antelope joined the 3rd Destroyer Flotilla, with the job of escorting the capital ships of the Home Fleet.

49. The following month, Ashanti, as part of the 6th Destroyer Flotilla, attempted to rescue the stricken submarine Thetis.

50. Eclipse remained on screening duty from June to August, transferring to the 8th Destroyer Flotilla in July.

51. Most of the flotilla was sent to the Red Sea during the Italian invasion of Abyssinia in 1935–36.

52. I-65's amplifying report, confirming the presence of British battleships, reached 22nd Air Flotilla headquarters two hours later.

53. Those who want extra space and luxury try our new seven berth Moody 3 joining flotilla or sailing independently.

54. In January 1940 Echo was deployed with the 12th Flotilla at Scapa Flow for minelayer escort and patrol duties.

55. In the Battle of Mobile Bay (August 18 Adm. David Farragut defeated a major Confederate flotilla and secured Union control of the area.

56. Whether your BVI yacht charter is Bareboat, flotilla or skippered, you’re sure to agree it is truly a sailor’s paradise.

57. The more experienced may try Villa-Flotilla in Yalikavak, where high wind courses give the confidence needed to cope with choppy seas.

58. Sailing from Southampton on June 4 19 she will meet up with the official flotilla at sea on the following day.

59. 25 The more experienced may try Villa-Flotilla in Yalikavak, where high wind courses give the confidence needed to cope with choppy seas.

60. On 24 May, Oberleutnant-zur-See Österlin, who had led the Maleme Flotilla, was given the task of transporting two Panzer II light tanks to Kastelli Kisamou.

61. At the very least, a flotilla of unmanned spacecraft could be headed Moonward within the next few years, with goals that range from lofty to goofy.

62. The ships of the 20th Destroyer Flotilla laid 234 mines in Vestfjord on the morning of 8 April, and later rendezvoused with the battlecruiser HMS Renown.

63. Emotions are running high across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), after Israel attacked a peaceful flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to besieged Gaza – and the Twittersphere is ablaze.

64. In the nine months since the flotilla incident, Turkey has not budged from its view that the actions of Israeli forces were illegal and unjustifiably violent.

65. In the 1980s, Cometary science underwent a revolution through the combined coordinated observations of Comet Halley and direct sampling and imaging of the comet by an international flotilla of spacecraft

66. In Operation Neptune, the landings in Normandy in June 1944, Saumarez was Senior Officer's ship of the 23rd Destroyer Flotilla, which gave gun support to Force S in the assault on Ouistreham.

67. Prien was nicknamed "The Bull of Scapa Flow" and his crew decorated U-47's conning tower with a snorting bull mascot, later adopted as the emblem of the 7th U-boat Flotilla.

68. Caption: Askari (ARL-30), one of the mobile bases of the River Assault Flotilla, May 1967, servicing four armored troop carriers (ATCs) while a fifth ATC clears her side, forward, in this view taken by Chief Photographer R

69. En Balatas y Complementos Oso te ofrecemos la reconstrucción de frenos, clutch o embragues y venta de Balatas tipo block para tráiler, flotillas de transporte, de pasajeros y carga en la Ciudad de México desde hace más de 29 años

70. On 27 January 1973, following the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, the ship was underway for Subic Bay to transport mine counter-measures equipment and Commander, Mine Flotilla One to the Gulf of Tonkin.

71. From the 15th century Caravels were used for ocean voyages; in 1492 a caravel flotilla under the command of Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and in 1498, Vasco da Gama sailed from Europe to India in a

72. Among Britannic researchers there is a consensus that the ship sank after hitting a moored contact mine, laid by the mine-laying submarine U73 of the German Mediterranean Submarine Flotilla (Deutsche U-Flottille Pola), commanded by Kapitänleutnant Gustav Siess

73. On 18 June she was deployed with the flotilla as a screen for the ships of 21st Aircraft Carrier Squadron, which comprised the escort carriers Stalker, Khedive and Ameer, and the cruisers Royalist and Suffolk, which were carrying out photo-reconnaissance flights over southern Malaya in "Operation Balsam".

74. Barges Whether you’re looking for propulsion units to self-propel a barge for a construction or maintenance project, or you need self-propelled Barges for river or coastal transportation of cargo or you need a bow boat to assist a push boat in maneuvering a flotilla of Barges through the river systems, Thrustmaster, “the brown water experts

75. Ryholt notes that Kamose never claims in his second stela to attack anything in Avaris itself, only "anything belonging to Avaris (nkt hwt-w'rt, direct genitive) i.e., the spoil which his army has carried off" as lines 7-8 and 15 of Kamose's stela—the only references to Avaris here—demonstrate: Line 7-8: I placed the brave guard-flotilla to patrol as far as the desert-edge with the remainder (of the fleet) behind it, as if a kite were preying upon the territory of Avaris.